exchange rate menorca

Exchange rate in Menorca

In Menorca, the currency used is the Euro. However, if you are travelling from a country with another currency, you have different options of exchanging money once on the island.

Exchange money in Menorca

If you are not from the European Union and are coming to the island, probably you will be worried about the exchange rate in Menorca. In this post, you will discover the available options you have.

The only official place for doing currency exchange is in the Airport. To be exact, in the arrivals hall, before leaving the air station when you arrive. There is a small box of the company BestAndFastChange, where you can easily exchange your dollars or pounds for Euros at a not high rate.

exchange rate menorca currency

If you want to know more about the exchange rate in Menorca, you can visit their website, where they have a calculator.

To avoid frauds, to only exchange money in official or recognized companies. It is known around the world that there are people that try to cheat tourists. Of course, it doesn't happen on this Balearic island, but anyway, try to be careful.

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