menorca trashchallenge 2019

Trashchallenge in Menorca

The TrashChallenge Menorca campaign invites everyone to collect plastics on the beaches of Menorca. Together we can save the beauty of the island!

What is the TrashChallenge Menorca?

Between the 14th and 19th of April, there was the trash challenge Menorca, a voluntary action that became viral worldwide; it consisted of taking a picture before and after cleaning a beach. The goal is to be concerned about the importance of not dirty the excellent costs we have.

That's a big problem for the ecosystem!

Not all new technologies are destructive; thanks to that, a group of young people organized a hangout to clean beaches of plastics and general rubbish. More than 300 people participated in the event.

Suppose you want to know more about this campaign, and specifically in Menorca. You will find an Instagram Account, TrashChallenge Menorca. That's a public profile where they used to share all their movements in Menorca.

trash challenge menorca plastics

From our website Menorca-Playas, we want to focus on the importance of this topic. No one wants to go to a beach full of plastics, so we would be glad if you returned all you bring to the beach. An empty bottle weighs less than a full one.